“Tantum Periculosum Ut Tibiura Tradere Necesse Sit Est”
(which is Latin for “It’s So Dangerous, You’ll Have to Sign a Waiver.”)
This page attempts to answers the Kingdom Minister of the Lists most Frequently Asked Questions. It does not delineate Atlantian Law or Policy. The Kingdom Minister of the List is solely responsible for the contents.
- So, what exactly IS an MoL?
- And, we need to have an MoL?
- Okay, how do we get an MoL for our event?
- We have an MoL. Now what?
- Do we need an MoL at fighter practices?
- How does one get to be an MoL?
- Who needs to sign in with the MoL?
- Are you allowed to MoL and marshal at an event? MoL and fight?
Fighting/ Martial Activities
- How do I authorize in Atlantia?
- My permanent card didn’t arrive yet and the three months on my temporary card is up (or almost up). What should I do?
- How do I add a new weapons form authorization?
- My authorization card is about to expire (or has expired.) What do I do?
- I lost my authorization card. What do I do?
- Okay, I know I’m authorized but I can’t find my card right now. (It’s back at home/at the hotel/temporarily misplaced?) Am I still allowed to fight today?
- Am I still allowed to fight if I don’t have a blue membership card? Or any membership card at all?
- I just moved here from another kingdom where I was authorized in all sorts of weapons forms. Does my authorization transfer to Atlantia?
- I am visiting from another kingdom but would like to fight at event in Atlantia. May I do that?
- So if you aren’t authorized, you can’t fight at any events?
- I’d like to ride around the list field a bit as a warm-up before the activities begin but the MoL isn’t even here yet/set up yet. What do I do?
- How can I prevent this from being a problem in the future?
Authorization Site
Follow this link to view the Authorization Site FAQ.
1. So, what exactly IS an MoL?
A Minister of the List (MoL) is someone who helps organize, complete, and maintain the paperwork needed to track fighters’ authorizations and run combat scenarios at events. They are the people sitting at the table on the side of the list field signing in combatants, checking authorization cards, recording authorizations, and filling out all those lovely forms necessary to keep fighting in Atlantia running smoothly.
2. And, we need to have an MoL?
Any event (including tournaments, demos, war practices, or training at Universities) announced in The Acorn which includes combat activities (heavy, rapier, youth, minor combat or equestrian,) must have an MoL-in-Charge.
3. Okay, how do we get an MoL for our event?
There are several ways to arrange for an MoL at an event. The first is to contact a local MoL. There are many friendly, helpful, warranted MoLs in Atlantia and they are conveniently listed on the Atlantian Warrant site (which requires login access) so you may contact them directly and simply ask for their assistance. Calling no later than 9:00 p.m. is best. If you are having difficulty finding accessing the roster, please contact the Kingdom MOL, who can provide a list of warranted MOLs.
If you are having difficulty finding a willing MoL, you should also feel free to contact your Deputy Kingdom MoL or even the Kingdom MoL to ask for assistance. And, of course, some autocrats simply post on the kingdom email list and ask for MoL assistance. The most important thing to do, though, is to make the arrangements as far in advance as possible. Waiting until the last minute just leads to a mad scramble and possibly even the cancellation of martial activities.
4. We have an MoL lined up for our event. Now what?
Autocrats and especially marshals should communicate with their MoL-in-Charge early and often about the event so they can be prepared well in advance.
- What kinds of martial activities will there be?
- Will there be melees or tournaments?
- What manner of tournament?
- What is your schedule for the event?
- For the tournament?
- For authorizations?
- Approximately how many people do you expect?
Answers to these questions will help the MOL in Charge determine the staffing needs for the event and ensure appropriate supply of forms and paperwork for the event.
You should also make sure that you have appropriate space for the MoL to work. Crowding the MoL in with the water-bearers or troll is not allowed, by the way. Arrange to have tables and some kind of shelter available if at all possible. Bad weather and paperwork really don’t mix, and a pavilion may be the hardest thing to bring a few hundred miles.
Also, if the list field layout is such that martial activities are spread out across the site, multiple MoL tables (and MoLs!) will be needed. Remember the MoL for each list field must have a clear and unobstructed view of the list field, as we must report on the days events including any injury incidents. By planning ahead, you can eliminate most of the unpleasant surprises which can pop up the day of the event. The MoL-in-Charge will be able to prepare the appropriate paperwork and supplies as well as arrange for other MoLs to assist.
5. Do we need an MoL at fighter practices?
No. MoLs are responsible for ensuring compliance with waiver policy outlined in Corpora at all events published in The Acorn. The Marshallate is responsible for meeting waiver requirements at all other official activities such as fighter practices. In special situations that are prearranged with the Kingdom Marshallate, a marshal may be allowed to organize and conduct authorizations at a local fighter practice. Upon receiving approval from the Kingdom Earl Marshal or their deputies, said marshal should then contact their local MoL to receive assistance with the administration of the paperwork. (See question #3 for assistance from a local MoL.) An MoL must provide and administer the paperwork required for the authorization, including the execution of an SCA, Inc. waiver should they be about to take part in that practice, which is recorded appropriately on the MoL paperwork and given to the marshal for filing quarterly.
6. How does one get to be an MoL?
The first thing to do is to attend the MoL 101 and Mol 102 classes to learn about the current Kingdom MoL policy as well as the required paperwork. These classes are offered at University as well as other opportunities online by request. If you are having difficulty finding a class to attend, you may contact the Deputy Kingdom MoL for your area or even the Kingdom MoL to assist you.
Potential MoLs will then receive a copy of the MoL Training Program Information packet and be asked to provide basic roster information (name, contact info, etc.) Inside the packet is a take-home open book test which MoLs-in-training complete and send to the Deputy Kingdom MoL for Training, thereby effectively entering the individual into the training program.
After this, prospective MoLs intern alongside a currently warranted MoL at a minimum of two (2) events with tournaments. The mentoring MoLs sign the internship form in the information packet (assuming all goes well!) and the completed paperwork is sent to the Training Deputy who forwards it to the KMoL for approval. Once it is approved, the new MoL is added to the roster of warranted MoLs.
7. Who needs to sign in with the MoL?
Anyone and everyone who will be on the list field that day: fighters, marshals, heralds, water-bearers, runners, ground crew, consorts, etc. (If you aren’t sure if you will be on the list field, you may sign in just to be safe.)
8. Are you allowed to MoL and marshal at an event? MoL and fight?
No to both. In order to do their job properly, marshals must keep their attention on the list field and the tournament participants. MoLs must keep their attention on the paperwork on their table in order to keep track of the participants, wins and losses, the list tree, etc. Splitting the time and attention between the two tasks would lead to too much confusion and a greater possibility of error. And since MoLs should be disinterested in the outcome of a tournament, they should not be participating in it. Thus, it is best to avoid even the appearance of impropriety and keep the running of the tournament completely separate from the participation in it.
Fighting/Martial Activities
9. How do I authorize in Atlantia?
Requirements to Authorize in Atlantia include residency in Atlantia. An Atlantian Enterprise Login Account is highly recommended, prior to authorizing. If you have never before authorized in any weapons form in Atlantia or your authorization has been expired for longer than four years, you must authorize to fight in this kingdom. You start by signing in on the Authorization Sign-In sheet at the MoL table. After that, the marshals will conduct the authorization, including any fighting of authorization bouts. Report the results to the MoL. If the authorization was deemed successful, the MoL will fill out the Verification of Authorization (VOA) forms. You should then take the VOA forms to the marshals and ask them to print and sign their legal names, or the marshals can come to the MoL table to sign the cards, particularly in inclement weather. Either way, it really helps if you don’t make the MoL chase down the marshals. You will also have to sign your legal name. The MoL who will give you one copy of the VOA Form which is good for three months, during which time your permanent card will arrive via e-mail and can be accessed online for all fighters 18 or older.
10. My permanent card didn’t arrive yet and the three months on my temporary card is up (or almost up). What should I do?
This can happen for a variety of reasons. The paperwork may not have been filed with the Kingdom MoL, or the forms were lost in the mail, or the information on the authorization forms was illegible, etc. You may first contact the MoL who issued your temporary card (whose name is on the bottom of the temp card) and ask if they know of any particular problem with the paperwork. The issuing MoL can then follow-up with the Kingdom MoL to check on the reason for the delay. If not, the situation is fairly easily remedied. If it is a matter of a lost renewal, you may simply fill out another Verification of Authorization (VoA) form for the renewal and get a new temp card. (This is when contacting the original issuing MoL can help.)
If it is a matter of a lost authorization or weapons add-on, it will take a bit more since the KMoL cannot issue a new authorization card without a copy of the authorization form/temporary card with the marshals’ original signatures. If the marshals who conducted the original authorization are present, they can simply sign a new temp card for you. Start by filling out a new VoA. The MoL will write an explanatory note on it stating when and where the original authorization took place and then mark the VoA as a ‘Confirm Authorization’. Then, the KMoL staff will be able to issue you a permanent card. If the original marshals are not present, you may contact the KMoL to find out how to get a copy of your temp card to the KMoL. (Again, this is where contacting the original issuing MoL can help.) Also, you can opt to simply re-do the authorization.
11. How do I add a new weapons form authorization?
Like a first-time authorization, you start by signing in on the Authorization Sign-In sheet at the MoL table. You then fill out the top section of the Verification of Authorization form, date it, and sign it with your legal name. The MoL completes the rest of the form, marking not only the weapons forms in which you are already authorized, but also the new forms you are attempting to authorize in that day. Once the marshals conduct your authorization, report the results to the MoL. If the authorization was deemed successful, the MoL fills out the temporary authorization cards. You then take the temp cards to the marshals for them to print and sign their legal names. You will also sign your legal name.
12. My authorization card is about to expire (or has expired.) What do I do?
If your last authorization expired within the last four years, and you can prove it, you may simply renew your card online on the authorization website. If needed you can fill out a Verification of Authorization form at an event, date it, and sign it with your legal name. The MoL will verify that the weapons forms you are renewing match those on your expired fighter card and complete the MoL section of the form. The MoL who will complete a temporary card and give you one copy as proof of renewal until your permanent card arrives via email. If you have not completed an authorization within the last four years, however, you will have to reauthorize.
13. I lost my authorization card. What do I do?
Try the logging into authorization website and pull a new copy. Also, the e-mail confirming your authorization has the required information to prove an authorization and will be accepted as such at the MOL table.
The MoL may be able (if internet access and equipment are available) to check the current fighter list (as well as the recently expired authorizations list) to see if you are there. If you appear on the fighter list with a valid expiration date, that will serve as proof of authorization.
If, however, you are listed on the expired authorization list or on the fighter list with a past expiration date, you must renew or reauthorize depending on the situation.
If you are not on either list but the two marshals who witnessed your authorization are available, fill out the Verification of Authorization form (which the MoL will mark as a ‘Confirm Authorization’) and have the two marshals sign a new set of temporary authorization cards.
14. Okay, I know I’m authorized but I can’t find my card right now. (It’s back at home/at the hotel/temporarily misplaced) Am I still allowed to fight today?
Maybe. Goto https://www.authorizations.mol.atlantia.sca.org and attempt to login to show proof of authorization. MoL might be able to check if you are listed on the current fighter list with a valid expiration date, that can serve as proof of authorization. If, however, you are not listed or are listed with an expired date older than four years from the day, you will have to reauthorize. Keep in mind that the fighter list is to be used only as a last resort. It is up to the fighters to prove their authorized status, not the MoLs. No fighter should abuse this assistance by repeatedly asking the MoL to rely on the Authorized Fighter list, whether due to forgetfulness, carelessness, or just plain bad luck. (And leaving the authorization card back in the tent or car is not a good reason to have the MoL check the fighter list.)
15. Am I still allowed to fight if I don‘t have a blue membership card? Or any membership card at all?
Yes, SCA memberships not required to fight in Atlantia. At practices you will be required to show proof of membership and waiver acceptance or sign a waiver as a non-member.
At events you are asked to sign a waiver (or show a blue card) when you enter the event site. That waiver covers all activities (except for Youth Combat and Equestrian where separate waivers are required). The MOLs at the table no longer ask to see cards or for you to sign a waiver as of February 1, 2009, in accordance with the MOL policies published that same month in the Acorn. MOLs WILL ask if you have checked in at the main gate. If you have not, you will be asked to return to the gate to complete necessary general waivers, then come back to the MOL table to sign in for the tourneys.
16. I just moved here from another kingdom where I was authorized in all sorts of weapons forms. Does my authorization transfer to Atlantia?
Yes. You will simply fill out the Verification of Authorization form (which the MoL will mark as a ‘Confirm Authorization’) then have the marshals sign a set of temporary authorization cards. During this, you should have an opportunity to talk with the Atlantian marshals and familiarize yourself with Atlantian rules.
17. I am visiting from another kingdom but would like to fight at an event in Atlantia. May I do that?
Yes, if you have your fighter card from your own kingdom. The MoL will check that it is current and verify that the appropriate weapons form is marked. (You may also be asked to speak with the marshals to familiarize yourself with Atlantian rules.) If you do not have your fighter card, though, you will not be allowed to fight unless there is an MoL or marshal from your home kingdom available to either verify your authorization or issue you an authorization card from your kingdom of residence. (Per Corpora, Atlantia may not issue authorizations to anyone living outside our kingdom.)
18. So if you aren’t authorized, you can’t fight at any events?
Yes and no. If you are not an authorized fighter, you cannot participate in the tournaments or melees or any other organized combat activities. However, you may participate in practices at events. To take part in practices at events, you must still check in with the MoLs. Also, you will need a marshal who is willing to supervise your practice. (Just ask one of the friendly, smiling marshals there. They are very helpful folks.)
19. I’d like to ride around the list field a bit as a warm-up before the activities begin but the MoL isn’t even here yet/set up yet. What do I do?
Wait. MoLs generally arrive well before the scheduled time for activities to begin in order to set up but they may not be there in time for very early warm-ups. Since anyone entering the list field must sign in with the MoL first, it is best to wait rather than commit an infraction of the rules of the list and risk removal from the activities.
20. How can I prevent this from being a problem in the future?
Plan ahead with your MoL. Since equestrian activities tend to start much earlier than other martial activities, work with your MoL to set a reasonable schedule which allows for early sign-in and list field access.
Last Updated: 05/17/2023 20:32:38