November 2000 Packet

Salutations to the Atlantian Ministers of the List from Lady Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists.

MoL Handbook

The MoL Handbook is complete. It is very comprehensive and is an invaluable resource for list officers. I want every list officer to have one. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to mail this large document to all the MoLs in the Kingdom. It is available free on the MoL website. Or, if you need a print version, I am selling bound copies for $5. Contact me if want a print copy, or if you have any trouble printing the electronic version.

Fighters currently on probation.

This was announced previously, but I wanted to remind you that there are three fighters currently on probation.

Two fighters from the coastal Carolina area, Leonaidas (David Grigsby) and Elric Kinslayer (Jeff Hollowell) have been placed on one year's probation for fighting with expired membership/authorization cards and for failing to check in with the MoL. This probation will last until August 1, 2001.

Shaitan (Gregg Ervin), from the northern area of Atlantia, remains on indefinite probation, pending further inquiries into his behavior.

These three individuals on probation are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. These deviations include, but are not limited to, failure to check in at the lists table, failure to complete armor inspection, using weapons they are not authorized in, discourteous behavior towards list ministers or marshals, fighting after failing to maintain their memberships, or discourteous or unsafe conduct on the field. Any deviations will result in immediate suspension of their authorizations. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


I will be holding an one hour meeting at Unevent (December 6) followed by office hours. Check the November Acorn for the complete schedule. MoLs are expected to attend, particularly group MoLs. If you cannot attend, you are more than welcome to send a proxy.

Until we meet again, be safe and well in this holiday season. Thank you all for everything you do to serve the realm. Your efforts make my job a pleasure.


Done this 15th day of November, A.S. XXXV, being the year 2000 in the Common Era..