May 2002 Packet

Greetings to the Atlantian Ministers of the List from Mistress Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists.

Electronic Distribution

If you are receiving this letter (instead of a full packet) you are on the list for electronic distribution. In this case, I am sending you a single letter and asking you to download all the enclosures that would normally receive in hardcopy.

This quarter's packet is available at Links to all the downloads are available at this address. This quarter, the hardcopy packet contains:


The Earl Marshal and I have decided to drop the 'MoL must provide a copy of their report to the Marshal in Charge.' There's no point in both the Earl Marshal and Kingdom List Officer keeping a copy of the same report.

As always, send the full report, including monies, sign up lists, authorization paperwork and so forth to me. Also remember to send a copy of the report (just the report form) to the seneschal of the sponsoring group.

MoL training program.

Having successfully launched the apprenticeship program, my training deputy, Mistress Stephania, has asked to step down. After four years of hard work, I understand her need for a break. I am happy to say the training program will continue to flourish under her replacement, Master John le Burguilliun. My southern region deputy has agreed to take on these extra responsibilities. My thanks and gratitude to both this nobles.

The apprenticeship program has met with approval from the initial graduates. Thank you for staying the course through our first round of apprenticeship. If you have any criticisms or suggestions that can improve the apprenticeship program, please contact my training deputy.

Siege Weapons.

Unfortunately, we're not quite ready to conduct authorizations. We're still waiting for a full roster of Siege Weapons marshals. But soon - watch the Acorn for more details.

Youth Combat.

We hope to have Youth Combat program starting sometime this fall. We're not there yet, but much credit is due our Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth, Lady Gisele l'Orpheline for getting us this far. If you have questions about participating, she is your first point of contact.

I will be selecting a Deputy KMoL for Youth by the end of May, so watch the Acorn for more details.

Fighters currently on probation.

There is one fighter currently on probation.

This individual is specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


Done this 14th day of May, A.S. XXXVII, being the year 2002 in the Common Era.