May 2001 Packet

Greetings to the Atlantian Ministers of the List from Lady Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists.

Electronic Distribution

If you are receiving this letter (instead of a full packet) you are on the list for electronic distribution. In this case, I am sending you a single letter and asking you to download all the enclosures that would normally receive in hardcopy.

This quarter's packet is available at Links to all the downloads are available at this address. This quarter, the hardcopy packet contains:

As you have all probably heard by now, as of May 1st, 2001, Atlantia is eliminating the pay-to-play requirement. There will be changes to Law, Policy, the MoL paperwork and the MoL handbook. All MoLs should review the Law changes published in The Acorn and the updated KMoL policies in the Atlantian Book of Policy. I'm sending out the May's quarterly packet very early, so I can distribute the updated information and new forms.

Elimination of Pay-To-Play

As of May 1st, you will no longer have to be a member in order to participate in Atlantia combat. However, you must still meet the combat waiver requirements outlined in Corpora.

All combat participants (fighters, marshals, heralds, runners, chirurgeons, waterbearers, anyone who will be on the field during combat) must either show proof of current waiver on file with Corporate (blue membership card, waiver confirmation postcard, membership list) just like you do now or must pay a $1 processing fee and sign a waiver with the MoL. The waiver fees, just like the authorization fees, will be submitted to the KMoL office, along with the MoL's report. The waivers will be given to the seneschal of the group sponsoring the event. The seneschal will submit these waivers to the Corporate Offices per the Kingdom Seneschal's instructions

I realize the Kingdom is undergoing some inevitable confusion on how these changes will work. I have compiled a 'Frequently Asked Questions' webpage ( answering the most prevalent questions. A couple things to note:

Combat participants must either show proof of waiver or sign a waiver at every event. This satisfies the Corpora requirement "All non-members or persons without a blue membership card [... text snipped...] must execute a waiver with the text adopted Board of Directors at each such event, practice or function."

Even if a combat participant has signed a site waiver at troll, they must sign another waiver with the MoLs. We have to see the waiver before we can allow anyone onto the field, but troll cannot let that site waiver out of their hands. Since the site waivers can't be taken to the List table, they have to sign another waiver.

New Forms

To accommodate this change, I have updated all the MoL forms. Enclosed are new versions of Verification of Authorization, Tournament Report, Fighting Field Sign-In, Authorization Sign-In, and the Adult Waiver.

I have eliminated the Confirmation of Authorization form. Now, a confirmation of authorization is an option on the Verification of Authorization form. Instead of filling out the old CoA form, just have the marshals sign the authorization form/temporary card. This is less paperwork for the same information.

By May 1st, the MoL handbook will be updated to reflect these new procedures.

Other Policy Changes

I have changed the group MoL warranting procedure slightly. Now, anyone wishing to become a group MoL must submit missives from the local seneschal and another group officer stating that they are an acceptable candidate to the group. To standardize officer warranting procedures, the Atlantian Great Officers have agreed to require endorsement from two group officers.

At the Kingdom Seneschal's request, I have also changed the reporting procedures slightly. Now, in addition to mailing the report to the KMoL, a copy of the tournament report shall be submitted to the group seneschal. The seneschals are the legal representative and main point of contact for their groups. The more information they have, the more effectively they can do their jobs. The seneschals only need copies of the Tournament Report form. It is not necessary to include copies of all the authorization paperwork, list trees, or the sign in sheets.

Fighters currently on probation.

This was announced in the previous two packets, but I wanted to remind you that there are three fighters currently on probation.

Two fighters from the coastal Carolina area, Leonaidas (David Grigsby) and Elric Kinslayer (Jeff Hollowell) have been placed on one year's probation for fighting with expired membership/authorization cards and for failing to check in with the MoL. This probation will last until August 1, 2001.

Shaitan (Gregg Ervin), from the northern area of Atlantia, remains on indefinite probation, pending further inquiries into his behavior.

These three individuals on probation are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. These deviations include, but are not limited to, failure to check in at the lists table, failure to complete armor inspected, using weapons they are not authorized in, discourteous behavior towards list ministers or marshals, fighting after failing to maintain their memberships, or discourteous or unsafe conduct on the field. Any deviations will result in immediate suspension of their authorizations. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


Done this 31st day of March, A.S. XXXV, being the year 2001 in the Common Era.