February 2003 Packet

Greetings to the Atlantian Ministers of the Lists from Lady Emma of Elandonan,

If you usually receive a large packet of information and did not then you are not listed as a group MoL. If you have been serving as your group MoL and need to be warranted as such please email me at kMoL@atlantia.sca.org or call me at 910-362-9868. Packet information will continue to be available on line at http://MoL.atlantia.sca.org/ePacket.html. Please down load the most recent information if you are running an event. It is important that you have the most recent information. It can save loads of time and headaches at the event.

If you are the MoL in-Charge of an event and do not have the ability to print off the fighter information you should contact your Group MoL, Autocrat, Regional Deputy, or myself and we will see that the information is made available to you.

Due to a miscommunication there may be some erroneous information about fighters from other kingdoms. If a fighter is just visiting from another kingdom he must show his fighter card and membership card, if he does not have a membership he must sign a waiver and pay $1.00. When in Rome do as the Romans; when in Atlantia do as the Atlantians. If the individual has moved to Atlantia he/she must obtain an Atlantian authorization card. By Earl Marshal policy Rapier fighters must run a full authorization, Heavy fighters have the option of talking to two marshals and having them sign off on the authorization without running a full authorization. How does this effect what the MOL does? It doesn’t. We do the same paperwork and take the same amount of money.

I continue to have a problem from out of discipline Marshals signing off on authorizations. If an individual has Heavy Marshal warrant and only a Heavy Marshal warrant he can not sign off on an authorization for anything except Heavy fighting. The same holds for Rapier & Equestrian. Combat Archery however is different! To authorize Combat Archery you must have a Combat Archery Marshal and either a Heavy, Rapier or another Combat Archery Marshal.

Example: Duke X (who only holds a heavy warrant) can not sign off on a schlager authorization. He is not a rapier marshal.

Please be mindful of which marshals are doing the authorizations. It can save me and the fighter loads of trouble down the line.

I would also like to touch on the fact that reports are coming later and later. Please make every effort to get your reports to me in a timely manner. I have been very generous about not putting people in the Acorn and suspending groups for late reports but the “honeymoon” period in the office is over. I’m going to have to start being more aggressive about late reports.

Thank you for the fine service you do our Kingdom. I appreciate all your efforts on behalf of the Atlantian army. If the deputies or I can help in anyway we are always available to assist you.

Done this 21st day of February, A.S. XXXVII, being the year 2003 in the Common Era


Fighters currently on probation:

There are two fighters currently on probation.

These individuals are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. Should you encounter any problems with these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.