February 2002 Packet

Greetings to the Atlantian Ministers of the List from Mistress Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists.

Electronic Distribution

If you are receiving this letter (instead of a full packet) you are on the list for electronic distribution. In this case, I am sending you a single letter and asking you to download all the enclosures that would normally receive in hardcopy.

This quarter's packet is available at http://mol.atlantia.sca.org/ePacket.html. Links to all the downloads are available at this address. This quarter, the hardcopy packet contains:

Paperwork woes

I am spending an unreasonable amount of time correcting paperwork. As announced at the Unevent meeting, I will be returning incorrect paperwork to my Regional deputies who will work with the reporting MoL to correct the paperwork. A list of returned reports will be published in the Acorn so fighters may be warned when their paperwork is delayed.

MoL training program

The past few months, the required training has been on hiatus, while Mistress Stephania and I reviewed the training program. After much consideration, we are adding an apprenticeship phase to the MoL warranting process.

Now, after completing the MoL 101 class, the trainees will complete a brief written test. (Wait, come back - it's not that bad.) This test will be submitted to the Deputy KMoL for training, Mistress Stephania, who will oversee the apprenticeship program. Similar to the Marshal training program, Apprentice MoLs will be required to work with designated Mentor MoLs at several events in order to gain field experience before becoming warranted list officers. Mistress Stephania will be recruiting senior MoLs to serve as Mentors for the training program.

Policy changes will appear in the March Acorn. The MoL handbook (copies available online) will be updated accordingly.

This additional apprenticeship requirement does not effect currently warranted MoLs, only new trainees.

Minor combatants

Atlantia has an increasing number of combatants aged 16 and 17. They are allowed to participate in the adult combat activities after completing the minor authorization process. However, they are required to carry and present copies of their waivers when checking in at the list table.

Since it is very difficult for a list office to know when a fighter is under 18, beginning soon minor fighters will have a different colored authorization card which will expire on their eighteenth birthday. When signing in an authorized minor combatant, the MoL should ask to see their fighter card, their notarized Medical Authorization Waiver and their notarized General Waiver for Minors. All minor fighters are required to carry copies of these additional waivers with the fighter authorization card. The MoL should ensure these waivers are in order and return them to the minor. Do not keep the waivers - copies were already filed with the KMoL when the minor completed their authorization.

If you have any questions, please contact your regional KMoL or myself. We'll be glad to help you with this rather confusing issue.

Siege Weapons

In other news, we will finally get to use the 'SW' portion of their authorization paperwork. Siege weapon authorizations should begin this quarter. It's handled just like any other authorizations, you just need Siege Weapons marshals. Lord Mungoe McKlinchey is the Deputy Earl Marshal for Siege Weapons, so contact him if you need to find Siege marshals.

Fighters currently on probation

There are two fighters currently on probation.

These two individuals on probation are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


Done this 28th day of January, A.S. XXXVI, being the year 2002 in the Common Era.