February 2000 Packet

Greetings, fellow MoLs!

This is the last letter from me as KMoL. I have enjoyed meeting many of you in the last year, and hope to work with you in the future. I hope to continue helping with the training program, and I plan to still be an active MoL. The Honorable Lady Theodora Delamore has agreed to step in as the interim KMOL. She is a fabulous Deputy, and she will take excellent care of the office until The Crowns have chosen a new KMoL. I will still be dealing with reports and problems from Jan 99 to Dec 99; the Interim will deal with current reports and problems; and the new KMoL takes over the office on April 1, dealing with everything after that. The official changeover of office will happen in April. If you are interested in the job, you still have time to send a letter of interest and resume to TRH by March 15th, 2000. It sounds messy, but I think it will be fine, as Theodora and I communicate on a very regular basis.

There are too many people to thank for their support, encouragement, patience, and kindness, so I won't even try to make a list. I will simply say that you Ladies and Lords are fine, wonderful people, and it is my privilege to have worked with you. If I may be of any service to you, you have but to ask me.


To the Atlantian Ministers of the List does Lady Theodora Delamore, Interim Kingdom Minister of the Lists, send warm greetings during this cold season!

First, a thanks to my wondrous predecessor, Lady Stefania Herring for all of her service. I cherish her confidence, and I will try to live up to her trust during my time as Interim. Since I know the MOLs are some of the busiest people in the Kingdom, I'll get directly to the news because there are a lot of changes.

Authorization Cards:

As of January 1, 2000, the KMOL will be issuing fighter cards with a five-year expiration date. These cards have a white background and feature the Atlantian seahorse badge, so they are visually very different from the gold cards currently in use. Unlike the gold cards currently in circulation, these new white cards do not expire with the fighter's membership and are not proof of a waiver on file with Milpitas. This change will spare our fighters from the struggle of the double renewal process - With the old system, they had to renew their memberships before they could renew their authorization cards. This change separates the two and should make the fighter's lives easier.

To obtain one of this cards, a fighter will fill out a Verification of Authorization (VoA) which replaces the Verification of Membership (VoM). As you study this revised form, you will notice the fighter must still show proof of membership to obtain/renew an authorization card. However, their membership expiration date will no longer equal their authorization expiration date.

To use these new cards, the fighter must show the list officer both the white fighter card and proof of a current waiver on file in Milpitas. Acceptable proof of waiver is either a current blue membership card or a postcard/letter from Milpitas indicating a combat waiver has been received. You may not accept white membership cards (which indicates no waiver on file) or yellow membership cards (which indicates an out of date waiver.) You may not accept fax receipts, Acorn labels, credit card receipts, or a copy of the membership form they sent. None of these are proof of waiver on file with Corporate. I know this makes it more difficult for the fighters, but the Kingdom maintains this policy in response to the Society's Board of Director's mandate that Kingdoms must prove combatants have current waivers on file as required by Corpora.

For all renewals processed and all events held after January 1, 2000, the fighters will receive these new white cards. Gold cards will still be in circulation for the next couple years. They are still valid authorization cards. They may be accepted without having to see the fighter's membership card since the gold card expiration date is the fighter's membership expiration date.

New Authorization Types:

Also, the paperwork has been updated to include several new authorization types that may be unfamiliar to you. Equestrian actives are a recent addition to Atlantia. There are several new authorization types to support this wonderful activity: EQB (Equestrian-Beginner), EQI, (Equestrian-Intermediate), EQA (Equestrian-Advanced) and NR (Non-Rider). Coming later this year, the Atlantian Marshallate will be adding thrown weapons (TW) and siege weapons (SW) to the legal forms of combat.

Enclosed Paperwork:

With all these changes, enclosed in this packet are a lot of new forms.


The MOL policies are not included. They are currently under revision, so I didn't want to distribute information that will be changing within the next months. A few reminders:

Warrants and Classes:

All MOLs must take the MOL 101 class by June 2000 to retain their warrant. Check the MOL roster or the packet address label. If you see a (Yes), the KMOL office has received records indicating you have already taken the training. A (No) indicates you have not. If you are incorrectly listed as a (No), please contact me and let me know when and where you took the training. The training schedule for the next few weeks is:

2/5/00 Bright Hills Birthday Carnivale

2/12/00 Windmaster's Hill Tournament of Ymir

2/19/00 Sacred Stone's Runestone Collegium

3/11/00 Kingdom A&S Festival in Lochmere

If you can't make any of these dates, contact me and I will try to set up an alternative class. Watch "The Acorn" for further class schedules.


Finally, a reminder that event reports are due to the KMOL with fourteen days of the event. If the fighting or the event is cancelled, you should notify the KMOL. I am reviewing the event report filed for the past year, and trying to contact MOLs who have missing reports. The March Acorn letter will contain a list of all outstanding reports.

Missing reports mean no cards for the fighters we support, so I am earnest about tracking these down. Enough missing reports are grounds for a removal of a MOL's warrant, so get these in!

Thank you for your patience and help during this turnover. Feel free to contact me at any time. Email is easiest, since my hours near a phone are a bit unpredictable. But I know many of you do not use electronic mail. I have an answering machine. Leave a message and I will call you back.


Done this 26th day of January, A.S. XXXIV, being the year 2000 in the Common Era.