August 2001 Packet

Greetings to the Atlantian Ministers of the List from Mistress Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists.

Electronic Distribution

If you are receiving this letter (instead of a full packet) you are on the list for electronic distribution. In this case, I am sending you a single letter and asking you to download all the enclosures that would normally receive in hardcopy.

This quarter's packet is available at Links to all the downloads are available at this address. This quarter, the hardcopy packet contains:

Change to Four-Year Authorization cards

After discussion with the Society Marshal, Syr Edwyn and I have discovered the 5 year cards we've been issuing since January 2000 are now in violation of the Society Marshal's Handbook. In November of 2000, the Society Marshal's Handbook was published with the following requirement:

"I.8 Combat authorizations may be issued for a period of up to, but not exceeding, four (4) years."

This requirement was enacted after Atlantia implemented the five year cards. Kingdoms are bound to comply with the policy of the Society officers, so the solution is simple: Atlantia will switch to issuing four year cards. The Society Marshal is content to leave the five year cards in circulation while we phase in the four year cards. The necessary policy changes and an announcement to the Kingdom will be in the October Acorn. I will switch to four year cards as of October 1st, 2001, matching the Acorn publication date.

Elimination of Pay-To-Play

As you know, pay-to-play was removed from Kingdom Law May 1st of this year. The transition seems to have gone smoothly thanks to the phenomenal list officers of this Kingdom. Since May 1st, I have had 150 people sign combat waivers rather than produce a blue membership card. Slightly less than half of those were new authorizations. From my perspective, the new waiver option is working well. If you've encountered any problems with the new rules, please let me know.


Mistress Stephania and I are reviewing the training program. Requiring the MoL 101 class has been an excellent initiative. List officers are receiving the information they need rather than just being thrown into the job. While we are considering other training initiatives, the MoL 101 class will not be offered with one exception - In the event a group is under sanction from the MoL office, we will train their groups officers as necessary. As always, if you have comments, suggestions or complaints on the training program, contact Mistress Stephania or me.

Fighters currently on probation.

There are two fighters currently on probation.

These two individuals on probation are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. These deviations include, but are not limited to, failure to check in at the lists table, failure to complete armor inspected, using weapons they are not authorized in, discourteous behavior towards list ministers or marshals, fighting after failing to maintain their memberships, or discourteous or unsafe conduct on the field. Any deviations will result in immediate suspension of their authorizations. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


Done this 30st day of August, A.S. XXXVI, being the year 2001 in the Common Era.