August 2000 Packet

To the Atlantian Ministers of the List does Lady Theodora Delamore, Kingdom Minister of the Lists, send greetings on this blustery fall day!

This quarter's packet is a bit later than usual. I waited until the end of August rather than send packets just before Pennsic. I hope this did not inconvenience anyone.

Warrants and Training and Handbooks, Oh My:

At this time, Atlantia boasts 130 trained list officers. I have added your warrant expiration dates to the mailing labels on the quarterly packets and as a column on the enclosed roster. Thank you to everyone who stuck it out through the required training.

At this point, we are cutting back on the number of MoL 101 classes offered and substituting new and different classes. These are not required classes. They are simply a chance to learn about a wider variety of topics than aren't covered in the MoL 101 class. My deputy for training, Mistress Stephania Herring is offering three of these new classes at the October University. She has planned an MOL-Lite question and answer session open to all. For the brave of heart, there is a class on 'List Trees and Other Forms of Madness' which covers everything from list trees to the little known AUGH (Atlantian Unbelted Great Holmgang) tournament. Finally, Stephania is also sponsoring 'History of the Tournament', which looks at why and how tournaments were held in period and includes information on her favorite things - really big fish. All this educational entertainment is yours for free! Bring your own popcorn and come and learn!

The MoL handbook will be published in October. We will have some copies printed and available at Fall University. The on-line version will be available at the same time. I am still considering how to ensure all list officers receive a copy.


The KMoL policies revisions are complete and changes were published in the July Acorn. I have enclosed a copy. They will be also be published in print when the Atlantian Book of Policy is published by the Chronicler's office next year. In the meantime, any changes from the enclosed copy will be published in the Acorn, and the latest will be available on-line from the Atlantian Clerk of Law's page at //

Forms, forms, all about forms.

I still receive reports, renewals, and authorizations very old list office forms. This causes problems because, over the years, we have changed what information the Kingdom List office requires, what authorization forms exist, and what information we track. Using old forms makes my job more difficult since I have to piece together the currently required information from whatever was submitted on the out-dated forms. Please, please, please, it will make my job a lot easier if everyone will use the most current forms. They are available online at /, or contact me if you want a set mailed to you.

I have made slight updates to a couple of the list office forms.

Fighters currently on probation.

Two fighters from the coastal Carolina area, Leonaidas (David Grigsby) and Elric Kinslayer (Jeff Hollowell) have been placed on one year's probation for fighting with expired membership/authorization cards and for failing to check in with the MoL. This probation will last until August 1, 2001.

In my last packet letter, I notified you that the fighter known as Shaitan (Gregg Ervin) had been placed on suspension. At Pennsic 29, the Atlantian Royalty and Their Officers reviewed the case with the Society officers. The Society officers had procedural questions concerning the suspension proceedings, so Atlantia overturned the suspension and reinstated his authorizations. However, Shaitan is on indefinite probation, pending further inquiries into his behavior.

These three individuals on probation are specifically cautioned concerning deviations from the rules of the lists. These deviations include, but are not limited to, failure to check in at the lists table, failure to complete armor inspection, using weapons they are not authorized in, discourteous behavior towards list ministers or marshals, fighting after failing to maintain their memberships, or discourteous or unsafe conduct on the field. Any deviations will result in immediate suspension of their authorizations. Should you encounter problems with any of these individuals, notify the marshal to pull their authorization card and contact the Deputy KMoL for your area as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on how to document the incident and what to do next.


Done this 31st day of August, A.S. XXXV, being the year 2000 in the Common Era..