[Atlantia Spike badge - by Bran Trefonnen]

Youth Authorization Procedures

[Atlantia Spike badge - by Bran Trefonnen]

Procedure for a Youth Combat Authorization:

A Youth attempting to authorize will bring the MOL their:

The Youth will then fill out (with parental assistance) his Youth VOA and Youth Temp Cards.

The Youth may then attempt authorization.

Failed authorizations should have all forms with the exception of the VOA and Temp cards returned. The VOAs and temp cards of children who fail to complete authorizations should be destroyed just like adults.

MOLs will submit the following items for a successful Youth Combatant Authorization

What do I do for a Youth Combat Practice at an event?

Do kids have to sign the waiver and pay $1.00 if they aren’t members?

If you are unsure, err on the side of caution and have the parents sign a wavier.

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